I'm still not sure about the age of these bikes, but they both cleaned up nicely. I've been having a lot of fun cruising around on the Columbia, and If it ware a bit bigger I'd probably keep it. You would not think it, but the Columbia rides like a dream. Steel frame, steel rims and nice 26 1 3/8" tires equal a super smooth ride. There's also something about baskets and coaster brakes that just puts a smile on my face. I'll sell these for cheap too, because I need the money for this:
That's a 2009 Trek Remedy 8 that I'm working on getting. It's a nice compromise for me since most of my riding will be done in all mountain situations but I seem to be drifting a little bit into the freeriding category as well. This will be a bike that I can pedal up the hill and then cook down it. I'm not blown away by the "Rootbeer and white" paint scheme but I don't mind it either, it's a little different and I think I can learn to like it. With the introduction of the Trek Scratch for this year the Remedy has been changed up a bit. It now has steeper angles and a 32mm fork as opposed to the 36mm fork on the 2009. So that's why I'm going for the 2009 version. Of course the two old clunkers wont pay for a new mountain bike, so my old one has to go too.
It's served me well, but it's time to move on.

You should be getting a bike that's your size with 29" wheels! ;)
Krúttlegt hjólið sem stelpan keypti! :) Ekkert lítið breyting frá fyrri myndinni þar sem þú varst að taka það að þér! :)
Mér finnst þetta rauða líka töff! :) haha
Hjólið sem þú ert að spá í er líka töff. Stór hjól á því.. haha - kann ekki svona hjólamál! :) Mér finnst það vera meira svona á litinn eins og karmella í rjóma.. haha
the 09 remedy rocks. I love mine.
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